If ever in Bordeaux, France and need something to do…

Do this scavenger hunt (Just found this on my hard drive and thought I’d share it :))

DIRECTIONS: Take photos or answer questions without the use of the internet!

1) According to TBC, how much time should you calculate per station on the TRAM to find out how long it will take to get to your destination?

2) What is in the angel’s right hand at the top of the Monument de Girondins?

3) Get a picture of a skater at the Skatepark.
4) How many arches is the bridge of Pierre composed of?

5) How many stairs in the tower of Pey-Berland?

6) What is the worst time to visit any church in Bordeaux?

7) Take a picture of your favorite gargoyle on the church of Saint-André.
8 ) Take a picture of an Airbus airplane.
9) What is the church of St. Remy currently used for?

10) What is the animal on the seal of the city of Bordeaux (not the family seal)?

11) Take a picture of a French flag.
12) At which hotel can tourists not stay at?

13) What is the time and age limit on the self-cleaning toilets?

14) What street is the name of a main street that is named after an American president?

15) Take home a map of Bordeaux.

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