Some thoughts

French don’t believe in soap

Or hot water. I think I should start carrying around my own little bottle of liquid soap in order to wash my hands after going to the bathroom. The hot water I can deal with… although it would be nicer if there were warm hand dryers, or at least paper towels so my pants don’t always have a permanent wet hand-mark on the ass. (and those of you thinking “hand sanitizer”.. my hands would turn to dust if I use that every time I can’t find soap)

I passed my Algebra final!

Barely.. but passed! ’nuff said.

Ran out of ink

In one semester, I exhausted 4 pens worth of ink. Never in my life has that ever happened… you know, I’ve kept the same set of writing utensils, sometimes I even had some small pencils from grade school even in high school. Not here.. Hello BIC cheap pens from USA, I need you now. Also paper is mad expensive. One pack of lined paper here = the price of 5 200 sheet packs back home. Plant them trees yo!

Exam week

Doesn’t really exist. Neither does reading week for that matter.. exhibit A: I have a class from 9-12 on the 11th of January, but coincidentally, they’ve scheduled an exam 10:30 to 12:30 on the 11th of January. I guess pretty soon I’ll need a time turner. Exhibit B: last day of classes: 17th of Dec, first day of exams Jan 3rd.. ok so reading week should be the week before the 3rd (27dec-2nd Jan). The days in the set “reading week” also include the days “the 31st of Dec and 1st of January”, which is coincidentally the intersection of the set of “reading week” and set of days “You should never have to study on.” That contradicts the definition of the second set mentioned above. Gotta love it.

Ok.. back to you Shannon (that is the lovely human who made my life a little more difficult with échantillonages and des fonctions du transfert) If you’re interested: a little metaphor.. then applied to signals.

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