
Pong Game

Coded in Python, this is the classic arcade Pong game. Press the Play button on the top left to play. Controls: Move left green paddle up with ‘w’ key, down with ‘s’ key. Move right red paddle with up and down arrow keys.


Workout Management Application


To better organize and keep track of athletes’ peronal information, injuries and workouts.


Any sports team


  1. Collect information about process through experience, interviews, observation, etc.
  2. Develop Relational Diagram in Visio, establish necessary input and output
  3. Create Database tables, primary and foreign keys
  4. Plan form flow, capabilities, and necessary reports
  5. Program form, procedures, views, reports
  6. Debug and test


Oracle 10g database, Virtual Machine, Microsoft Visio, Oracle Form Builder, Report Builder

Blogging Platform


To program a platform that can host a blog with posts, categories, users, and comments


Anyone who wishes to start a blog


  1. Create database with necessary tables to house posts, users, categories, and comments
  2. Set up page structure, separating pages requiring a login, and those visible to the public
  3. Program connection to database using existing .NET classes
  4. Design CSS document to complete look
  5. Program in .NET and VB to create data table functionalities, post functionalities, to create new users, etc.
  6. Debug, add other non-mandatory options if time permits or if required by customer


Microsoft Visual Web Developer Express, Microsoft SQL server 2008, .NET with Visual Basic